Author Guidelines
Author Guidelines
Authors who are willing to submit their manuscript/s must observe the following guidelines:
Authors who are willing to submit their manuscript/s must observe the following guidelines:
Format and Style
Format and Style
- All manuscripts should be sent through e-mail at Submitted articles must be original and unpublished, and should not be under consideration for publication in other journals. In order to ensure the originality of the received manuscripts, it is recommended that the authors will use programs for plagiarism detection.
- Subli e-Journal will not charge Article Processing Charges (APCs) to its authors.
- Overall content criteria of all manuscripts submitted must:
- Address an important topic in the field of social sciences research from an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approach;
- Adequately incorporate existing, relevant, and updated literature, and;
- Contribute to and expand our understanding of learning in different social issues.
- Authors: Authors’ full names should be provided. Corresponding author(s) should be identified with an asterisk. Authors’ affiliation should include Department/College/University/Institute, City, Country, and email.
- Style: All manuscripts should strictly follow APA style (Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th edition, 2020).
- Length: The paper should be around 4,000 – 5,000 words (8.5 x 11”), justified, and single-spaced with font style Arial and 10pt. font size. The files should be submitted in MS Word format.
- Abstract and Keywords: All manuscripts should to include an abstract of between 150 and 200 words. Between three and five keywords defining the focus of the manuscript are also needed.
- Title: Must fit on three lines (at most 25 words) and should avoid abbreviations.
- Notes: All notes should be end notes and not as footnote in order to not distract the reader.
- Tables and figures: Each Table should be given a caption above it and numbered successively (i.e., Table 1, Table 2, …). Suitably high resolution figures may be inserted within the test at appropriate positions. Each figure should be given a caption below it and numbered successively (i.e., Figure 1, Figure 2, …).
Evaluation Procedures:
- Authors are obliged to participate in peer review process. In this sense: candidates should avoid any clue about the authorship of the work submitted especially in the first pages of the manuscript. Name(s) of the author(s) must not appear in the manuscript.
- When a manuscript is submitted, the editors screen the manuscripts to make sure that all the files have no identifying information on the authors and that the article has not been published elsewhere. Then, in a time period of 15 days maximum from the date of reception of the article, the journal editor will assign it to two external evaluators that will carry out a blind review of the article (double blind peer review). Over the review period of the article, both the names of the authors as well as the evaluators' will be anonymous.
- Peer reviewers are identified by editors of the journal, who are experienced researchers in their fields. The most suitable reviewers are selected according to the submission received and the reviewer's expertise; also a network of scholars can collaborate as reviewers in our journal.
- The Editors are in charge of exploring the reviewer's reports and exchange opinions with some members of the editorial board in order to make a proper decision whether an article could be publishable or not. The decision is reached through the reviewers' reports.
- Editors check all the reviews done and contrast the reviewers' notes with the content of the article before sending decisions and reviewers comment to authors.
- In cases where Editors have doubts after the process of review, they double-check the evaluation with some members of the Editorial board, according to their field of specialization, in order to reach an agreement and a decision on the manuscript. The result of the evaluation will be send to the authors in a maximum period of 3 months from the date of reception.
- All parties involved in the publishing process (editors, reviewers, authors and others) must adhere to the publication ethics set by the Research Management Office of PUP.